
Power the curious.

Role: Lead Product Design for Enterprise

Enterprise SurveyMonkey is for business.

Businesses use SurveyMonkey to inform their decisions. Paired with the Director of Product Management, I was tasked with reimagining SurveyMonkey for the enterprise customer. What controls do Administrators need to set up their organizations for success? How can users best collaborate and share learnings across the team? These are just a few of the big questions we set out to answer.

SurveyMonkey Administration - Before SurveyMonkey Administration - After

Understand Who are our Enterprise users?

Personas for SurveyMonkey Enterprise

Before attempting to rethink the Enterprise experience, we needed to understand who our customers are. What do they need that we're not currently offering them? What do they expect from the product? We spoke with clients, internal Customer Support, I studied the current user flows, and performed significant competitive analysis. I created a set of personas that help frame our conversations and keep people at the center of the conversation. This gave our whole team a reference point to connect to our users.

Explorations Let the Games Begin

As a starting point, we defined collaboration, ease of adoption, administrative control, and custom content were among the most important to our users and would deliver most effectively for the business. We began ideating. We got to work exploring a veriety of concepts through workshops, conversation, sketching, and wireframing.

A sampling of workshops I facilitated, sketches, and flow mappingSome of our ideation and working session outcomes

Prototyping If You Build It...

...learnings will come. Prototyping for us occurs in both InVision, and code. InVision is great for exploring the flows and designs, while coded prototypes really allow us to utilize our design system, test usability, and makes responsive explorations much more efficient.

We test prototypes with our users to explore areas for improvement, confusion, and other usability concerns. We also will run concepts by them in early stages to calibrate what we're building with what they need.

Early explorations for our responsive Administration console Prototyping in code let me test out our pattern library, new global and admin navs, and our responsive framework.

Developed version of Workgroups Our collaboration feature, Workgroups, was tested with users in Invision, during development - with our dev involved in the feedback loop - and again in an early release Beta. We contnuously applied our learnings back into the feature along the way.

Examples Our New Enterprise Experience

Workgroups - mobile web view

Workgroups help organize team members with a shared purpose to collaborate on projects. They make sharing and collaborating in large organizations simpler and more effective.

Speaking with Users
Research analysis

With Enterprise, we have relationships with our customers and can hop on the phone with them repeatdely over time. We can pepper this learning with what we know about our general SurveyMonkey users, and get a pretty clear picture of their needs.

Administrative Control
Settings screenshot

Administrative control brings power into the users' hands. Previously, their was no way to make company wide changes in the product, or gain insight into usage by the team. This is essential to administration of large organizations.

English and Russian side-by-side view

Enterprise customers have employees all over the world, we design and develop flexible products for these customers regardless of language.

Org Virality
Account Control - Responsive Guide

One of our main goals was to increase organizational virality - how many people in the organization are using the product. With Account Control, we give them a way to onboard internal users and took org virality to the stratosphere. One of our customers doubled in active users from 700 to 1,400 in only 3 months, another from 4 to 120.

People table screenshot

In Enterprise products, Administrators sometimes have to manage accounts for thousands of people including security, credits, collaboration, and a plethora of other details. I designed an elegant and powerful system, allowing Administrators to take action simply.
