
Role: Designer for various clients.

Consult Some Happy Clients

Over the years, I've supported some great companies and people. Here's a smattering of my work.

EA Dialogue Interpret

Veoh Yahoo! Hall and Partners

Communication News and Information

I've had a chance to work on several news projects, and have a passion around the changing landscape of how we get our information. One innovative client in Palo Alto, wanted a workable prototype for a personalizable news site. I created a design that illustrated how a user might customize their experience and how the information could be presented. Other work consisted of spec work for a mobile news app, and a crowd-sourced news project.

News aggregator site example

Innovation in Research UI

I worked with Dialogue to explore new ways of engaging users with qualitative research. I created a prototype for usabiliity testing and spec visual design. The goal was to engage users more deeply in the experience and in new ways. Old school research often asks users to read and answer a lot of questions, a rather passive experience. We were aiming to make it a more interactive and visually interesting experience while still learning the same things.

Dialogue example - Quadral Analysis

Dialogue example - Ranking

Dialogue example - Tri Analysis

This and That

From wireframes and specs, to ads and brochure sites, I've done a little of everything in my client and consulting work. If you're interested in exploring something we could do together, get in touch.

Ari Draw example

Ari Draw example

Interested in working together?
